Thursday, December 30, 2010

Earlier Today


Music: "Cycling Trivialities" by José González
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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Meet Lola!

Meet Lola
Lola's cover
Lola is my beautiful new Singer sewing machine I got from Santa this Christmas!
I named her Lola because it's what I would've named a daughter if I had one ;)
My other machine died (R.I.P.) from a fall a few months ago.
She's the one on my blog banner.
The machine cover I had made for it didn't fit Lola so I'm making her a new one :)
I dyed a yard or so of natural canvas into a military green color that I love
mixing olive green, black & a little bit of brown store bought fabric dye.
I cut patchwork birds out of 100% wool felt and attached them by hand
using blanket stitch and a few french knots
with my favorite stash of vintage crewel wool I bought a few years ago
from my dear friend Carlene's Etsy Shop.
I might turn the old cover into a new pillow. I'm so happy to be sewing again :)
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Friday, December 24, 2010

Feliz Navidad!

Feliz Navidad!
Luke 2:10-14 King James Version
And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

We went for a tiny live tree this year :)
Merry Christmas from Manolo, Israel, Daniel, Turbo and me!
Thank you so much for your continued support of my work and this blog.
You guys make blogging a real joy for me!
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Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Whoooo got so excited to see the spectacular lunar eclipse
that she forgot to take out the camera & snap some cool pics at 1:45 am?
um... that would be me. Sorry!
Watercolor and acrylic in on Fabriano paper. 6" x 8"
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Monday, December 20, 2010

La Luna

Eclipse of the Moon
La Luna
Will you be watching the lunar eclipse tonight?
La Luna was quite a show this afternoon when the sun was setting.
It promises to be a spectacular event. Wouldn't miss it for anything!
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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sunset at La Casa Azul

Sunset at La Casa Azul
Taken earlier this afternoon after a nice walk with Manolo and Turbo.
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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Pocket Planner Giveaway Winners!!!

Pocket Planner Giveaway Winners
From over 1000 participants!!! Congratulations!!!
Dorothy from North Carolina at O My Soap!
Fimo & Arames from Portugal.
Christine from France at Anecdotes
Thank you so much for playing along & for all the nice comments!
Each one of them was like an early Christmas gift for me :)

The cozy chipmunk was made for this special occasion
with watercolors & acrylic ink on paper.
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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Giveaway & 5th Bloggiversary!

Pocket Planner Giveaway
♥ Thank you so much for all your lovely comments about this new project ♥
An hour after I had posted about the new planner my own copies arrived at my door! So I'm happy to tell you we'll have a giveaway today!!!
They're really beautiful in person! I'm over the moon happy :)

I inquired more information about international shipping and here's the deal:

- You can order the "Avian Friends Pocket Planner" (that's what it's called officially) directly from Galison by email at:

- It will NOT be available through because the barcode is not featured on the outside...bummer! But the range of gift cards, magnetic pad, and thank you notes will be available through soon.

- I will have signed copies available at my shop when I re-open in 2011...yay!!!

But now let's move on to the giveaway!
***Please leave a comment in this post with your contact info.
I will choose a random name tomorrow night
and will announce the winner Saturday morning!
Have fun!

Oh! and I almost forgot! One of my most loyal readers and friend Pablo Acosta reminded me that it's my blog's 5th birthday today!!!
Gracias por recordármelo Pablo!
+++++Whoa!!! 1018 comments!!!+++++
Thank you SO much for all your lovely greetings :)
I will be giving away three Pocket Planners tomorrow instead of just one!
Comments are now closed. I will announce the winners tomorrow at noon.
You guys are the best!
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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Pretty Pocket Planner!

Full color birds
4Full Color illustrations
New Pocket Planner from Galison!
With my birdies and my own handwritting :)
This is the project I've been dying to tell you about for the past year...
It's a brand new project collaboration with Galison that I'm really thrilled about!
It will be available from Amazon soon for everyone outside the US!
This planner is fresh off the presses, as soon as I receive my own copies
I will have a giveaway for a chance to win one signed by me :)
Stay tuned!

From the Galison website:
Cute little birds illustrated by Geninne D. Zlatkis will keep you organized all year long--from winters in the south through summers in the tundra and all along the migration back!

Galison's Avian Friends pocket planner's interior pages have collage-like illustrations of birds combined with butterflies, vintage post cards, and ticket stubs on the interior pages. Quotations about birds are interspersed, and the message the birds are tweeting--in the old-fashioned way--is "write everyday".

Here's a great gift: a charming organizer that doesn't require an Internet connection or a battery! A Galison pocket planner is handy at the desk, on the go, or even in your laptop bag.

Monthly and weekly layout pages
Undated: fill in dates as you use it
192 pages including checklists, contacts, notes, etc.
Measures 4-1/2 x 5-3/4" with pink elastic closure
Gusseted pocket for cards and miscellany
ISBN 9780735330726
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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Bird Ornament Tutorial

Part 1
Part 2
1- You can use oven baking polymer clay or DAS air drying clay to make the birdie. I used a little bit of FIMO clay I had left over from another project.

2-Knead the clay until it's soft and malleable.

3-Shape the clay into a round ball.

4-Turn the ball into a drop shape.

5- With the tips of your fingers pinch the chunky part of the drop
until you form the head of the bird.

6-Pinch the head of the birdie to form a beak
and flatten the pointy tip to make the tail.

7- Poke a hole through the back of the bird straight down until you see the tip of the toothpick in the bottom. This is where you'll thread the bird to hang as an ornament.

8- Poke the hole from the bottom with the toothpick to make a clean orifice.

9-Bake according to directions in the package or air dry if you used DAS.

10- The birdie is now ready to be painted! Use the toothpick to hold the bird while you paint it with acrylics.

11-Decorate the wings of the bird with snowflakes if you want a winter theme.
I used a piece of foam board to hold the bird in place and make it easier to paint.

12-Finish off all the details like the beak and the eyes and thread it with the string of your choice. I added a little wood felted bead I had laying around, but you can also use buttons or any kind of beads.

Now go and hang that cute birdie on your tree! :)
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Monday, December 13, 2010

Fun Wall

Little frames
A little collection of curiosities in the studio wall.
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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Quiet Sunday

Vintage Spun Cotton birdies
It's such a nice & quiet Sunday here at home.
We have two new birdies living with us, aren't they adorable!
They're vintage spun cotton & real feathers.
Got them from Kim's beautiful shop Trampoline.
Rotating book display
I recently changed the books on the shelf above the couch. Turbo approves :)
Book shelf
This cute Kingbird came to visit just outside our kitchen window this morning
with a very important message for everyone:
"Before you buy any gifts for Christmas this year I beg you to read this, this and this"
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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Christmas is Coming!

It's official!
Paper snowflakes
Christmas Tree is up!
Illustration Friday: GHOST
Red Deer Stag
Little penguin friend
Illustration Friday: MASK
Green button wreath
Snow globe
Window Bear inside
Xmas stamps
Peace Bird
Oh Christmas tree!
Storey Publishing's holiday company card
I pulled these old images from my archives to get inspired for this Christmas season.
I hope they'll inspire you too!
The last photo is of the gingerbread cookies Daniel and I baked yesterday,
the whole house smells like Christmas now :)
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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sketchbook Project update

Sketchbook Project cover
Sketchbook Project Page 1
Sketchbook Project Page 2
Sketchbook Project Page 3
Remember I told you I would be participating in the Sketchbook Project back in July?
Well, my sketchbook got lost when we moved to the new house and I hadn't found it until last week. I remembered I had put it away somewhere safe safe I couldn't find it afterward!
I was looking for Turbo's vaccination card in the folder where I keep all of our important family documents and there it was!
I've only got about a month to fill it out so I plan to do three or four pages every day until the January deadline. I'll be sharing it with you guys of course :)
My theme is: In Flight
The Sketchbook pages are very thin so I won't be using watercolors.
I opted for simple pencil drawings ,hand carved stamps
and some details with white acrylic ink.
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