Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Illustration Friday: RED part two

"Red "flower" hydrant"
Linocut print on paper
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Ever growing collection...


My growing collection of
handcarved stamps.

For those of you who asked:
I use StazOn and VersaColor ink pads for stamping.
To carve the stamps I use Speedball linoleum cutters
& I usually carve little white erasers or on this block
if I'm lucky to have it around.
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Friday, January 26, 2007

Illustration Friday: RED

And for a little extra goodness,
here she is with the rest of her exhuberant family:

These little fellas
were stamped from handcarved erasers.

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Thursday, January 25, 2007

Sailing in a sea of words

My latest posts have been
a little on the muted side
& I thought it needed a bit of a punch
of my usual colorful self.
This is a watercolor on paper
with the handwritten lettering in the sea
applied digitally.
Made for my friend
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My cute Daniel, 9 yrs. old.
Watercolor on paper.
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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

My son


My beautiful son Israel, age 10.
Watercolor on paper.
Daniel is also getting one...hopefuly tomorrow :o)
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Monday, January 22, 2007

6 weird things about me...


I was tagged by the lovely Teresa of Cowgirl Stella's Studio . I must tell 6 weird things about me...here are the rules:

Each person who gets tagged needs to write a blog post of their own 6 weird things as well as clearly state this rule. After you state your 6 weird things, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "you're tagged" in their comments and tell them to read your blog for information as to what it means.

Here are my six weird things:

1. My dad was born in Argentina, my mom in Chile
and I was born in N.Y.

2. I've lived in 50 + houses during my life (I'm really good at packing)...
in 5 different countries.

3. I despise the color yellow,
if it's more orange than yellow than it's OK.

4. I was saved through CPR when I was thirteen yrs. old.,
I was accidentally poisoned by gas.

5. My parents were born on the same month,
the same year and just hours apart.

6. I twirl my bangs with my fingers to fall asleep.

I tag:

Valeria, Carlene, Sonia, Anette, Fernanda and Natalí
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Mr. Lovedrop

Geninne sent me to tell you
she really appreciates you came by to see her blog,
and for all the nice comments too!
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Sunday, January 21, 2007

Waiting for the rain

Playing with collage again today...
The tree & roots are cut out from wood veneer
:: the elephant & red raindrop are watercolor on paper
:: the raindrops are stamped.
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Recurrent colors...

Recurrent colors in my work.
Stairs that go up from our garden.
Taken today at dusk.
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Friday, January 19, 2007

Illustration Friday: SUPER HERO


The big city must not fear...
Superkitty is here :-)
with his trusty sidekick don Matías.
Watercolor on paper made fresh for today's IF.

Click on the image to see it BIG.
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Thursday, January 18, 2007

Box of No.2s

I finally got around to some crafting today
and made this box for our school from scratch.
I constructed the box out of balsa wood and then covered it
with cotton canvas,
finished it with white felt (inside and bottom) and
stamped it with some drops
I carved out of old erasers.
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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Mixed media experiment


This week's Flickr inspired art is a little kooky,
I'm trying to experiment with new things.
I'm not so happy about it, it feels "not me", but I'll get over it :o)
This is the photo that I was inspired by.
Watercolor, collage, hand carved stamps
and white acrylic ink
on paper.
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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Illustration Friday: PEACE (really, really late)

Watercolor and ink on paper.
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Love is in the air.


Hand carved stamp.
Just warmin' up the looooove engine here, peep!
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Saturday, January 13, 2007

Moo love


Hello, my name is Geninne
and I'm a Moo-holic.
My 100 different Moo cards! Love each and every one of them :o)
They're such a happy bunch!
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Friday, January 12, 2007

Illustration Friday: 80's

That's me in the eighties
with my sketchbook in hand in Valparaiso, Chile.
The watercolor was done last year based on that pic
....with lots of imagination of course.
If you click on the image you'll see it somewhat bigger :o)
...just somewhat.
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Thursday, January 11, 2007

Flickr inspired art: Nólsoy, Faroe Islands

Watercolor on paper.
For this week's Flickr inspired art
I was able to travel to a far away land...Greenland to be exact,
thanks to Zinnie and his beautiful picture of Nólsoy
in the Faroe Islands.
I might have to go there and see it for myself one day...
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Portrait of my mom, circa 1972

Another one of my early drawings.
Good golly! Check out the tiara!
Thirty-plus years later and I'm still drawing flowers.
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Umme Vucu

My lovely mom surprised me this morning
with this drawing I made when I was 4 years old.
Looks like I had an obsession with all things french.
The doodle next to the lady owl is the Eiffel tower.
God knows what "Umme vucu" is supposed to mean but I guess it sounded pretty french.
I love how the skirt is three or four sizes too small and she doesn't seem to care.
Thanks mom! I love it!
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Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Prize booty

I love
my new Lily desk chair and
orange tripod lamp
I got with my Apartment Therapy
contest prize from CB2.
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Illustration Friday: BUZZ

Click on it to see it BIGGER
Watercolor collage & embroidery on paper.
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Monday, January 8, 2007



After 5000 miles (8000 kms) of sights and fun
with family and friends I'm back,
ready to start this spankin' new 2007.
Thank you for all your best wishes & visiting
while this blog was
"on hold".
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